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Ralli Museum in Santiago de Chile


The Santiago Ralli Museum opened in 1992, being the second of the five museums offered by the Harry Recanati Foundation to the public in different countries.  

It has over 1,500 square meters of exhibition areas, distributed on three floors, 18 halls and a sculpture patio, which allows for a large number of daily visitors, including groups from educational institutions as well as the general public. The museum also has a conference room and Wi-Fi throughout the building.

Located in the residential neighborhood of Vitacura, it houses an important collection of Latin American and European art, remarkable in our country, and thus makes a positive contribution to the dissemination of art in Chile.

Address: Alonso de Sotomayor 4110, Vitacura. 
Santiago, Chile
Phone: (56) 22206 42 24 – (56) 22208 17 98
E-mail: [email protected]

Opening Hours:
Monday to Saturday from 10:30 a 17:00 hr.
Closed Sunday and holidays.
January: open Friday and Saturday. February: closed.

For the location on Google Maps Click here